Latest News from Newcastle & Gateshead
Newcastle & Gateshead Kittiwake Colonies – Spring/Summer 2024
As we turned the pages of the story of the Tyne Kittiwakes for another year, we all experienced much colder weather patterns. Fewer birds returned to nest for the 2024 season, with many pairs arriving and nesting two-three weeks later. This may have been due to the impact of Avian Flu and how the climate is changing across the world. We were pleased to note however that for those pairs that did successfully nest safely, they enjoyed a very productive season.
Baltic Gallery
Up to 150 pairs of Kittiwakes nested on the Baltic during the 2024 season, down from 193 pairs in 2023. During May Kittiwakes were very busy building their nests on the Baltic gallery in Gateshead, with the first eggs starting to hatch from the 6th June. As June opened up, the Baltic Tyne Kittiwake viewing gallery was closed for a few weeks. This followed a large event which was hosted from the Newcastle side of the river Tyne. The event created an environment for the Kittiwakes for one particular evening that looked very uncomfortable for any birds that happened to be present.
“It was extremely disappointing to witness nesting birds being disturbed
as new chicks were surfacing to experience their world for the very first time”.
The light show was supported by the Baltic and permission was given by Newcastle City Council. Such events at a time where eggs are hatching and chicks are surfacing for the very first time are not a welcome sight for this large breeding colony; especially at this time where seabird populations are declining rapidly. Kittiwakes upon the Tyne are reviewing events during 2024 and are exploring options as to how efforts can be enhanced to help campaign for better protection for the Tyne Kittiwakes during their breeding season.
A young chick with parent on the Baltic Gallery in Gateshead.
Tyne Bridge
The Kittiwake Hotels; a pair of scaffolding, provided as alternative nesting structures for the Kittiwakes during the restoration work of Gateshead’s Twin Towers; remained empty. Approx. 160 pairs of Kittiwakes were displaced by the restoration work on the Tyne Bridge. Eighty pairs of Kittiwakes instead however opted to spend time on the scaffolding surrounding the upper reaches of either sides of the twin towers. Members of the TKP were aware of this, and it was considered that these birds could potentially use this scaffolding as alternative nesting provision instead, relatively undisturbed by the workmen. Pairs of Kittiwakes built their nests on this scaffolding, successfully raising young chicks.
Photo of Kittiwakes on the Tyne Bridge by Paul Gray
This combined with; how the overall population of Tyne Kittiwakes continued to remain lower for the 2024 season, meant the Kittiwake Hotels were not needed and remained empty. Kittiwakes often prospect any new potential breeding sites first the prior season and it is also possible they didn’t like the paint that had been used for the Kittiwake Hotels. It is looking like they simply preferred the scaffolding lower down however, which is closer to where they usually nest.
Photo above: Not a Kittiwake hotel, but a section of scaffolding on the sides of one of the Bridges Twin Towers
High Level Bridge
Over twenty pairs spent time on the lower reaches of the High Level Bridge. 4-13 pairs have nested on the High Level Bridge up to 2023. Kittiwakes also use the bridge to roost. 19 pairs settled down for the 2024 season and peacefully built their nests using the High Level Bridge. These were best viewed either from the Swing Bridge or from the Newcastle side of the River, a short distance after you pass the Swing Bridge. There certainly remains capacity for more pairs to nest in future years; however it is unclear if this elderly structure is considered an ideal site for a larger colony.
A view of the River Tyne and the Metro Bridge over the River Tyne,
with Kittiwakes resting on the High Level Bridge to the left
South Shore in Gateshead
Up to half a dozen pairs settled on the South shore again on the Gateshead side of the river Tyne; one of the newer colonies where up to eight pairs have nested up to 2023. Seven pairs nested during 2024, with five pairs raising six chicks.
St Mary’s Heritage Centre in Gateshead
Five pairs nested during the 2024 season and enjoyed the views from below the clock face on the Gateshead side of the river. Here the owners welcome them to nest and they’re no anti-bird deterrents present. Four pairs successfully raised six chicks.
Pairs of Kittiwakes nesting on St Mary’s Heritage Centre in Gateshead
Phoenix House
As of 2023 up to 54 pairs of Kittiwakes used Phoenix House to build their nests; despite the presence of netting, spikes and anti-bird gel. As the season 2024 dawned, the owners of the Phoenix House building installed new anti bird sheets of plastic and netting on the upper reaches of the building. There remained sufficient surfaces for pairs of Kittiwakes to continue to use Phoenix House however during the 2024 season. The distribution of nests was different, but kittiwakes successfully raised young chicks this season.
A view of Phoenix House following the installation of new plastic sheets on the upper reaches
Akenside Traders
Up to a dozen Kittiwakes spent time on Akenside Traders. Up to 27 pairs nested on Akenside Traders 2014/15, prior to the installation of areas of anti-bird gel which likely displaced the birds. At least two pairs nested for the 2024 season, towards the right side of the building away from any anti-bird gel. The owners of Akenside Traders however do not welcome the Kittiwakes to nest there so it is likely further anti-bird deterrents maybe installed on this building prior to the 2025 season to deter further nesting.
Two pairs of Tyne Kittiwakes nesting on Akenside Traders on Newcastle Quayside
Nearby hotels
Both hotels where Kittiwakes usually nest, showed signs of Kittiwake presence. Sadly for yet another year, one bird became fatally trapped in anti-bird netting. The local council again appears to be taking no action and the owners have not made any changes to the netting or removed the corpse which remains as a sign that this netting is not fit for purpose and should be changed.
Bessie Surtees
Anti-bird spikes remain on the upper reaches of the Bessie Surtees building where Kittiwakes have fatally become injured in recent years. Prior to Kittiwakes returning for another season, anti-bird gel was also installed alongside where Tyne Kittiwakes have built their nests in recent years. This building is very old and it could be said the Bessie Surtees site is not structurally sound to host a colony of Kittiwakes.
First pair nesting on Bessie Surtees on Newcastle Quayside during 2024
The anti-bird spikes present are pointless as they do not deter birds nesting. Birds have been fatally injured whilst encountering the spikes over the past three years. Up to two dozen pairs of Kittiwakes have nested on the Bessie Surtees in recent years, however only two pairs returned for the 2024 season to build their nests. It is unclear however if the reduction in the Kittiwake colony size for Bessie Surtees was due to the introduction of the anti-bird gel or other factors such as avian flu. The Kittiwake breeding population was lower for the 2024 season with fewer pairs returning to build their nests.
Second pair nesting on Bessie Surtees on Newcastle Quayside during 2024
Despite the scaffolding on the Guildhall, anti-bird spikes, netting & avi shock; 1 pair nested on the side of the Guildhall during 2024. This was where there was a greater risk of a chick getting inside the netting before it fledged.
A Kittiwake nesting on the side of the Guildhall on Newcastle Quayside
High above, on the upper reaches; a further 3 pairs nested on top of the Avi-shock. Whilst the Guildhall Clock Tower remained popular with what is in present times the bulk of the Guildhall Tyne Kittiwake colony. Fewer pairs were present on the Guildhall clock tower however during 2024.
Railway Bridge
Kittiwakes also returned to the railway bridge this year on Newcastle Quayside. They nested peacefully, raising young chicks as the trains went by above them.
Kittiwakes nesting on the a Railway Bridge on Newcastle Quayside
Queen Street
Kittiwakes returned to nest on Queen Street, nesting peacefully. No new anti-bird deterrents had been installed by the owners whom are very understanding & considerate. 32 pairs nested during 2024, compared to 19 in 2023.
Upper section of the Queen Street Kittiwake colony
Thanking them for their kindness. no netting or spikes there, just some avi-shock on the upper reaches, where Kittiwakes never venture.
Saltmeadows and Kittiwakery Towers in Gateshead
Up to 200 Kittiwakes were present on the original Saltmeadows Tower this season and it remains popular with Kittiwakes. There was also great news from Gateshead’s New Kittiwakery Tower with the first confirmed nesting. One bird sat amongst the decoys on fresh nest material and was later visited by its mate. The pair didn’t raise any young this year, however observations during 2024 were very positive and hopefully when pairs next year, pairs will choose the Kittiwakery again.
Photo by Andrew Rickeard
First nest on the Kittiwakery Tower – May 2024
Lots of thanks go to all those involved with this new Kittiwakery Tower. There efforts will certainly be appreciated by the Tyne Kittiwakes.
To learn more about the Kittiwakery Tower please visit the » colonies page
Plans have been submitted to Gateshead Council to enhance the Saltmeadows Tower to help improve chick birth rates. Council officers are now considering plans to increase the number of nesting ledges available. The proposals, from Norwegian energy firm Equinor, form part of “compensatory measures” associated with the development of two offshore wind farms in the North Sea, off the North Norfolk Coast.
This photo shows the Saltmeadows Tower on the right;
with the Kittiwakery Tower on the left.
by Andrew Richard – May 2024