Kittiwakes upon the Tyne

The Furthest Inland Breeding Colonies of Kittiwakes in the World

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 This website is designed to share the story of the Tyne Kittiwakes

Any support and content is 100% provided by volunteers, that help to monitor, raise awareness and rescue any injured Kittiwakes.  


A short video from Danica Priest;
An environmentalist and marathon runner
trying to help save biodiversity.

This page features a series of developments and discussion items related to the breeding population of Kittiwakes along the River Tyne.   Any progress is also summarised and presented on the » Colonies pages at the end of every season.  If you would like to contribute to the story of the Tyne Kittiwakes please » Contact Us or you can send us a message on
» Twitter or » Facebook  

Kittiwakes upon the Tyne was set up back in 2018, following the events that year where over two dozen Kittiwakes became TRAPPED or were INJURED because of anti-bird deterrents on Newcastle Quayside.  We remain an independent VOICE and we continue to help raise awareness and support ongoing monitoring every year.  Any help is always very much appreciated. 


Green & Red Flagged Sites
The status of Tyne Kittiwake colonies along the River Tyne


Do not DESTROY my home then ASK why I wander into yours”. 

Tyne Kittiwakes are coming more into our towns and cities to build their nests. Our climate is changing. Temperatures are rising and the world is experiencing weather patterns which are more intense; and these are starting to occur more frequently. Coastal Kittiwake colonies are very much exposed to severe storms, especially those which involve strong winds and higher levels of rainfall.

Our seas are also being flooded with man made pollution, as is the sky with air pollution. We produce so much waste, much of it buried. There are two voices to the audience of the Tyne Kittiwakes. those that show empathy, and those that don’t like their noise or mess! ; but when compared to humans? and not even mentioned light or noise pollution.

The future sustainability of the Kittiwakes colonies will also very much depend on campaigning to reduce air and sea pollution as well as their access for tasty food like Sand eels.

Supporting larger organisations like local
» Wildlife Trusts and
» RSPB are important to help with these larger issues, that are not only the larger reason behind what is happening; but in the end, will be essential for even urban inland colonies like the Tyne Kittiwakes. i.e. access to food and the need for less pollution.

Big news for seabirds as campaign to close the English North Sea  
  and Scottish waters to Sand eel fishing succeeds.
  » Read More.

The recent success with the work from the RSPB with protecting remaining North Sea Sand eels needs to be recognised.  And what are the origins of Avian flu? Changes require at times a louder, stronger voice, if you can please also join the RSPB and local Wildlife Trust to help with these larger issues, which in the end will make a REAL difference to seabirds like the Tyne Kittiwakes.  All seabirds and marine life need YOUR help.

Avian Influenza

Coastal colonies of seabirds experienced waves of Avian Influenza during the Twenty-22-24 seasons. This remains a major concern, especially as seabird populations have been declining rapidly in recent years due to overfishing and our changing climate.  The inland Tyne Kittiwake colonies remained largely healthy.  

» Avian Influenza – Info from BTO



Kittiwakes from Coquet Island  in Northumberland by Hannah Young